Thursday, March 25, 2010

Healthcare blog

Obama has been working on the health care reform bill for quite sometime. With this bill insurance companies cannot deny people insurance due to preexisting conditions. The bill was signed into a law on Tuesday. After hours of long debated his bill was passed. "It's been easy at times to doubt our ability to do such a big thing, such a complicated thing, to wonder if there are limits to what we as a people can still achieve," Obama said. The overall $940 billion plan is projected to extend insurance coverage to roughly 32 million additional Americans.

I think that this can be a good thing but it could also turn into a bad thing because some people may not be able to afford to have insurance even though they are required to at age 18. However if you are planning on staying in school you are allowed to stay on your parents plan until your 26 if need be. This is a big thing and we'll have to see what happens and how it turns out.

Monday, March 8, 2010

8 year old brings handgun to school

A third-grader at Sharp-Leadenhall Elementary School, was found to be in possession of a .380 caliber handgun on Thursday. Teachers said that the student was acting weird so they searched his backpack and found the gun they immediately called police. Both the teacher and the parents were shocked! The boy was arrested and taken to the Department of Juvenile Services.Police are trying to find the gun's owner, along with where the gun was bought and how the student got the gun. School staff members are being reconized for acting swiftly and making sure no one got hurt. School officials said once the investigation is complete, the student could be suspended or expelled.

I think that the teachers did a good job at reacting to this and i hope that they find out who gave the boy the gun. No one that young should even have hands on a gun without the help of a parent or a parent near by.